June 14, 2006

life... in general.

so it's been a while. i guess i got into the whole myspace thing. so i'm staying in spokane for the summer. got an internship. got a house. got some friends over here. life is good. i get to move into my house tomorrow actually... fun times. it's only like the third time i've moved in the past month... ah, life as a nomad. the boyfriend is good... as usual. it's hard doing the long distance thing, but it will be worth it in the end. just have to get through it. hopefully i will be living in seattle next year at this time. my brother graduated. which is awesome for him, weird for me, and my mom is probably freaking out. but, you know, life goes on... it always does. i'm watching "so you think you can dance?" right now. it is pretty much the greatest show on right now. i love it. you should all watch it if you get the chance, becasue these people are amazing dancers! well, i need to get ready to go out on the town... one of many appearances i will be making at the bars this summer. ah, to be 21.

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